The Governments’ land reform program saw many families resettled in former commercial farms where learning infrastructures are not conducive for any learning atmosphere. This has seen children learning in dilapidated makeshifts made of poles and dagga, grass thatch and, or in former tobacco barns. A case study of Mopani Park School is a classic one. During the school holidays, the grass made “classroom” is either blown away by wind or eaten up by stray cattle. When schools open, the first task is to re-construct the ‘classroom’ before learning could take place.
The situation is similar in Gokwe’s Simchembu Area where pole and daga “classrooms” are the order of the day.
ABDO, working with the communities and other stakeholders in Chakari have given a new face to Mopani Park Primary School by constructing a 4 x 2 classroom blocks. Parents were mobilized to provide labour and other locally found building materials whilst ABDO sourced funds for other building materials such as cement, doors, window frames and the roof.
In an effort to increase improve family nutrition and health. Study circles embark on income generating projects such as gardening and poultry. These also includes family incomes and families capacities to send their children to school. A.B.D.O has provided boreholes to a number of marketing projects in 3 districts.
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